Important Information for your .PRO Domain Order

第二段以圓仔花樂團代表-陳柔樺教員以北管搭配人聲演奏曲目,詮釋出傳統新權勢。台中流理台 流理台
Premium Domain names may have unique pricing based on various criteria, and may have non-uniform renewal registration pricing such that the renewal fee for a domain may differ from other domain names with the same extension. Renewal pricing for any such Premium Domain shall be at the then-current rate. The current renewal rate for this domain is $0.00, subject to change at the discretion of Network Solutions and/or the applicable registry.
Premium Domain Names are priced higher than unregistered domains based on certain criteria such as the domain's history, demand, relevancy, keyword strength and traffic potential. This premium price is a one-time cost that includes an extra renewal year added to the term for $19.99. You may add more renewal years to the term for $19.99 per year at the time of initial purchase. Renewals made after the initial term has expired will cost the standard Network Solutions renewal pricing.
流理台設計 流理台設計If you are interested in this domain name, close this message and click the "MAKE OFFER" button and complete the following form.
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you will be contacted about your request shortly.
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Please Note: Your .tel website will be populated with your domain name and published automatically after purchase. You will be able to change your contact information through your account at any time.
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